Event 1
Intermediate, Scaled, Masters, Teens (Event description/ movement variations)
EVENT 1 (Mini Murph)
For time:
75 Pullups
150 Pushups
200 Air Squats
(20min Cap)
On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! Competitors will run out to the Pull up bar and begin working through the repetitions. Once complete they will move to the designated area for Pushups and complete the required repetitions, moving forward every 25 repetitions. Once complete they will continue to move forward every 25 repetitions, this time completing Air Squats. Once 200 Squats are complete, the competitor will run to the finish.
This Event will be scored by time. Each repetition not completed under the time cap will add one second.
Pull ups replaced with Sumo Deadlift High Pull @40/30kg.
Pull ups
The competitor must start hanging on the bar with the arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. They must then pull up until their chin is higher than the horizontal plain of the TOP of the bar. The competitor may perform a strict, kipping or butterfly Pull ups to achieve this.
A straight body position must be maintained throughout the push-up. No snaking, sagging or pushing up from the knees is allowed. The elbows must be locked out at the top with the feet no wider than shoulder width. The repetition starts whereby the arms are extended. The competitor then lowers themself to the floor, At the bottom of the repetition the chest (nipple line or above) must touch the floor. Once achieved, maintaining the same straight body position the competitor presses their arms back to full extension.
Air Squats:
The competitor squats down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line.
Sumo Deadlift Highpull:
The competitor starts with the Barbell on the ground. They then pull the Barbell up until their hands pass above the horizontal plain of their collarbone (elbows above the hands), at the same time their knees and hips are extended and inline. They then return the Barbell to the ground and start the next repetition. Hands must hold the bar closer than their shoulder width and their feet must be outside the width of their Hips for the duration of the repetition.