The 2023 Teams competition was held over two days (21-22 Oct) at the Mystery Creek Events Centre and saw 185 teams of six (3 males and 3 females) compete in one of THREE divisions, those being Elite, Rx and Scaled, and 15 teams of four (2 males and 2 females) competed in one of two Masters divisions.

2023 National Champions | Fittest Gym in New Zealand
1 - CrossFit Kia Maia
2 - Mount CrossFit
3 - CrossFit Mecca

For time:
x2 team members: Run less than 5,000m (distance TBA)
Tag, x2 team members: Swim more than 500m (distance TBA)
Tag, x2 team members: Run more than 5,000m (distance TBA).
Heat times (Saturday):
>Time Cap: 120mins.
>Each team member may complete only one segment of the workout.
>Team members who run must hold one end of the same piece of rope for the duration of their segment.
>Team members must tag the next two team members at the same time (i.e. A team member can not start a particular segment until both have completed the segment prior). Masters teams are excluded from this rule for the first runner.
>Swimmers must provide and swim in their own wetsuits, and must wear Nationals branded swim caps that will be provided.
>Route: TBA
>Segment time caps: TBA
>Scaled, Rx, Elite: None.
>Masters: In order, x1 team member runs, x2 team members swim, x1 team member runs.
For load:
Each find your 3RM:
Bench Press
Heat times (Saturday):
>Time Cap: 8mins.
>Teams will be given one 20kg Barbell and one Rack.
>Teams may increase or decrease the weight loaded not the Barbell as they choose.
>Team members may have as many or as few attempts as they choose.
>Team members may not provide assistance un-racking the Barbell or during an attempt, however once the third successful repetition is awarded may assist in re-racking the Barbell.
>The three reps must be achieved as an unbroken set (i.e. an individual can not complete two reps, rack the Barbell, rest, then un-rack to then complete the third rep).
>Scoring. The heaviest weight successfully achieved for three reps, for each team member, combined.
Movement Standards:
Bench press: The competitor will un-rack the Barbell (without any assistance). Starting with their arms fully extended they will lower the bar until it makes contact with the chest before pressing to full extension of the elbows. They will complete this twice more, to a total of three reps before which time they will be awarded the weight loaded on the Barbell. The competitor must pause at the top of each repetition to clearly show they have achieved each repetition. The competitors Glutes must stay in contact with the bench for the duration of the repetitions, the hands may be placed no wider than the widest line in the knurling. Competitors may receive no assistance until the third repetition is awarded.
For time:
100 Sync 2, Wall balls
100 Sync 2, Strict Pull Ups
100 Sync 2, H.R. Burpee Broad Jumps
100 Sync 2, Alt Dumbbell Snatch
100 Sync 2, H.R. Bar Facing Burpee
100 Sync 2, One Arm Overhead Squat
Heat times (Saturday):
>Time Cap: 26mins.
>Gymnastic grips or the like are not accepted during this event.
>Teams must complete each exercise in order before moving onto the next.
>Teams may tag in and out as they choose, there is no requirement to keep any pairings the same throughout the event.
>Scoring. The time to complete the event. Any reps not completed will see one second added to the 26min time cap, plus one second awarded for failing to cross the finish line.
Movement Standards:
>Wall ball: The movement starts from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, then thrown to a specified height. Sync timing: Bottom of the squat.
>Strict Pull Up: From hanging still on the bar with the arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Pull up until the chin is higher than the horizontal plain of the TOP of the bar. Underhand or overhand grip is accepted. Individuals may not use a swing or a ‘kip’ of the legs to support the repetition. Sync timing: chin above the bar.
>Burpee Broad jump: Standing behind the line. Competitors lower themselves to the floor until their chest and thighs make contact with the floor, they then reach out and touch inside the marked area. They then stand up and jump the marked area with a double foot jump, and landing. Single leg jumps are not allowed. Each Burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the marked area. A competitors head may be over the marked area however their hands must be placed outside when lowering themselves or pressing up from the ground. The individuals may use any method to lower themselves to the ground. Sync timing: touching the ground inside the marked area.
>Alternating Dumbbell Snatch: The Dumbbell is taken from the ground to overhead, so that the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and hands are in line and locked out, using only one hand. The Dumbbell must be in constant motion from the ground to overhead. This exercise requires each repetition to alternate hands. The competitor may change the hand that holds the Dumbbell at any point once they have achieved the repetition. The resting hand may not press against the knee during the repetition. Sync timing: locked out overhead.
>Bar Facing Burpee: Standing behind the Bar. Competitors lower themselves to the floor until their chest and thighs make contact with the floor, they then reach out and touch the bar. They then stand up and jump the bar. Each Burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the bar. A competitors head may not be over the bar. The individuals may use any method to lower themselves to the ground. Sync timing: touching the bar.
>One Arm Overhead Squat: With one Dumbbell held overhead, supported by one arm only, the competitor will squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line. The competitor may bend at the elbow during the repetition, however at the start and end of each repetition the Dumbbell must be held overhead, with the elbow extended, and under control. Sync timing: extended at the top of the rep.
>Elite: 9/6kg Wall ball, 30/22.5kg Dumbbell.
>Rx: 9/6kg Wall ball, 50 Pull Ups as Sync 2s + 50 Pull Ups as one member completes Pull Ups while x2 team members hang, 22.5/15kg Dumbbell.
>Scaled: 6/4kg Wall ball, 50 Pull Ups as one member completes Pull Ups while x2 team members hang, 15/10kg Dumbbell.
>Masters(All): 75 Reps all the way through, 9/6kg Wall ball, Pull Ups as one member completes Pull Ups while x2 team members hang, 22.5/15kg Dumbbell.
For Time:
20 Sync 6, Toes to Bar
4 Parallel Bar passes
30 Sync 2, Wall facing Hspu
20 Sync 6, Toes to Bar
4 Parallel Bar passes
20 Sync 6, Toes to Bar
10 Sync 2, Wall Walks
4 Parallel Bar passes
20 Sync 6, Toes to Bar
Heat times (Saturday):
>Time Cap: 8mins.
>Scoring. The time it takes to complete the event. One second is added for each incomplete repetition.
Movement Standards:
>Toes to bar (Ttb): Competitor will start hanging from the bar with their arms at full extension, the heels must then come from behind the vertical plain of the bar and up so that both feet of all required competitors make contact with the bar simultaneously, in between the hands. Sync timing: toes touching the bar.
>Situps: Each repetition of the sit-up begins with the competitor’s back in contact with the floor, their knees locked out, and their hands touching the floor above their head. At the top, the competitor will raise their torso so that their chest is upright and their hands touch their toes. Sync timing: touching the toes.
>Wall facing Hspu: The competitors will complete a wall walk until such time both their hands touch the taped line. The competitors will start in a Handstand whereby they are facing the wall, hands (or fingers) touching the taped line and their body extended at the elbows, hips and knees and their toes (end of their shoe) on the wall. The competitors lower themselves until their head makes contact with the ground. They then press until their body returns to full extension. If at any time the feet move off the wall or their hands or fingers are not touching the line, this is considered a ‘No-rep’. Sync timing: top of the Hspu.
>Hand release Pushups: A straight body position must be maintained throughout the push-up. No snaking, sagging or pushing up from the knees is allowed. The competitors will start with their elbows locked out and their feet no wider than shoulder width. They will lower to the floor where their chest (nipple line or above) must touch the floor and the hands must be lifted off the ground. They then place their hands back down and press to extension. Sync timing: top of the pushup and hands off while on the ground.
>Wall walk: The competitors start lying on the ground with their hands on the taped line. At the same time they will then kick their feet onto the wall before moving their hands from the taped line, then walking their hands back towards the wall where there will be another taped line. Once both competitors have both hands on the taped line closest to the wall they will then walk their hands forward again returning to the original taped line before lowering their feet. Sync timing: topped bottom of the repetition.
>Parallel Bar passes: The competitor will place their hands on the Parallel Bars behind the taped line, they will then kick into a handstand before traversing across the bars. Once both hands clearly grasp the bars past the marked line at the opposing end to which they started they will be awarded the repetition. A traverse can NOT be broken into segments, each traverse must be unbroken for the repetition to be awarded.
>Elite: Nil
Rx: Ttb completed as Sync 4, 2 Parallel Bar passes, Wall facing Hspu to an Ab Mat.
Scaled: Ttb replaced with Sync 6, Situps, Parallel bar passes replaced with 2x3m HS Walk, Wall facing Hspu replaced with Sync 4, Hand release Push Ups.
>Masters: Ttb completed as Sync 4, 2 Parallel Bar passes, 20 Wall facing Hspu as Sync 2.
5 Rounds for time:
15 Worm Squats
15 Snatch @44/31kg
Heat times (Saturday):
>Time Cap: 8mins.
>Once the eight minute time cap for 'AHHH ALEX?' expires teams will be require to take a three minute rest, following that rest this event will begin.
>The worm must stay on the shoulder for the duration of all the five rounds. If the worm is dropped at anytime, the team must complete three sync 6 (sync 3 for masters), lateral worm Burpees, before returning the worm to the shoulder and continuing with the event.
>Any male+female pair may complete the sync 2, Snatch. This pair is not required to stay the same for any set period of time or reps.
>Scoring. The time it takes to complete the five rounds. each repetition not completed will see one second added to the cap, plus one second for failing to cross the finish line.
Movement standards:
>Snatch. The Barbell is to be moved from the ground to locked out over head so that the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and hands are in line and locked out. The competitor may Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch or Squat Snatch the Barbell. The Barbell must be in constant motion from the ground until locked out. Single reps maybe performed but the bar must be completely stationary before continuing the next rep. Bouncing the bar is not allowed. Sync timing: locked out overhead.
>Worm squats: The team will clean the worm to the shoulder, squat down until their hip creases goes below the top of their knees, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line. The competitor’s elbows or hands must NOT touch their knees throughout the repetitions. Sync timing: top and bottom of the squat.
>Worm hold: at the shoulder only (i.e. not infant of the body.
For time:
Two team members only…
5, 5, 5, 5 Rope Climbs
27, 24, 21, 18 Pairs Deadlift @…
Tag, two team members only…
4, 4, 4, 4 Rope Climbs
21, 18, 15, 12 Pairs Deadlift @…
Two team members only…
3, 3, 3, 3 Rope Climbs
15, 12, 9, 6 Pairs Deadlift @…
Heat times (Saturday):
>Time cap: 15mins.
>Two team members may each complete only one paring of Rope Climbs and Deadlifts.
>Teams must progress the Barbell forward to the correct marked area after each complete round.
Movement standards:
>Deadlift: The competitors start standing behind the Barbell. They then lift the bar until the hips, knees and shoulders are in line at the same time. They may use a pronated or alternate grip. The competitors hands must be outside the feet. Sumo Deadlifts are NOT allowed. The competitors may perform single reps but the bar must be completely stationary before continuing with the next repetition. Bouncing the bar at any time is NOT allowed.
>Rope Climb: Competitors may use any climbing method to climb the rope. The repetition is awarded once the individual touches the blue beam the rope is fastened to. However, once they have touched the blue beam they must then lower themselves under control, stopping below the taped line before dropping to the floor. If a competitor fails to stop below the taped line and show control on the decent, they repetition will no longer be valid.
For time (as a Team):
30 Worm Clean & Jerk
200m Run
20 Worm Clean & Jerk
400m Run
40 Worm Clean & Jerk
800m Run
10 Worm Clean & jerk
Heat times (Sunday):
>Time Cap: 20mins.
>Segments may be re-ordered at the team's discretion.
>The 200m, 400m and 800m run legs are completed as a team. The team can not start the next set of worm Clean & Jerk until all team members have returned from the corresponding run leg.
>Scoring. Run legs are awarded one repetition per 100m completed. However, repetitions for run legs are only awarded once completed. If for example, a team where part-way through a run when the time cap expires, they will not be awarded any repetitions for that particular run.
Movement Standards:
>Worm C&J: The worm will be lifted from the ground to the shoulder on the opposing side to which the worm started. The rep is awarded once the worm is resting on the correct shoulder of all team members. Team members must be ordered alternating in gender, i.e. M-F-M-F-M-F. This rule remains consistent for masters teams.
>Scaled, Rx, Elite: Six person worm
>Masters: 2-3 person worm.
For time:
Three males…550m + 550m Row
15 Complex @weight 1
550m + 550m Row
9 Complex @weight 2
Tag, three females…
500m + 500m Row
15 Complex @weight 1
500m + 500m Row
9 Complex @weight 2
Heat times (Sunday):
>Time cap: 14mins.
>One ‘complex’ repetition is: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
>Each round of the Row is completed concurrently, i.e. two team members rowing at the same time.
>Team members may tag in and out whenever they choose, within the stipulated gender requirements.
>The last individual to complete the specified distance on the Row must either be the first person to complete a complex repetition, or tag the person who will complete the first repetition. The same, whoever completes the last complex repetition must tag one of the two on the Rowers before the individuals rowing start the Row. The exception to this rule is on the 9th complex repetition.
>Bouncing the Barbell on the quads, at any time, is NOT allowed.
Movement standards:
Clean: The competitor starts standing behind the Barbell, they then lift the Barbell in one continuous motion receiving the Barbell in a front rack position, they then stand until the hips, knees and shoulders are in-line, at the same time the elbows must be in front of the Barbell.
Hang Clean: From a hang position (bar held below the hip but above the knee) the competitor pulls the bar in one continuous motion to receive in a Front–rack position whereby the elbows are infront of the Barbell. They then stand until the hips, knees and shoulders are in-line.
Push Jerk: With the Barbell held in the front rack, the competitor will dip and drive, forcing the barbell overhead, before dipping until the barbell to receive the Barbell with the arms locked out at the elbow, and the feet remaining side by side. They will then stand until the hips, knees, shoulders, elbow, and wrists are locked out overhead and inline.
Split Jerk: With the Barbell held in the front rack, the competitor will dip and drive, forcing the barbell overhead, before dipping until the barbell to receive the Barbell with the arms locked out at the elbow, and the legs split forward and backward. They will then stand until the hips, knees, feet, shoulders, elbow, and wrists are locked out overhead and inline.
>Elite: males weight 1/2: 54/85kg, females weight 1/2: 34/55kg
>Rx: males weight 1/2: 54/70kg, females weight 1/2: 34/45kg
>Scaled: males weight 1/2: 44/60kg, females weight 1/2: 27/35kg
>Masters: males weight 1/2: 54/70kg, females weight 1/2: 34/45kg. The second round of the Row for each male/female pair is one x550/500m.
For Reps:
Tow a tractor as far as possible.
Heat times (Sunday):
>Time cap: 5mins.
>Scoring. Most number of segments.
>Teams may pull on the rope only.
>There is no required footwear for this event.
For time:
2-3 team members…
27 Ring Muscle Ups
32m Handstand walk
21 Ring Muscle Ups
32m Handstand walk
15 Ring Muscle Ups
32m Handstand walk
Concurrently, 3-4 team members…
Stretch carry.
Heat times (Sunday):
>Time cap: 9mins.
>On the sound of 3,2,1… go! 2-3 team members will begin the Ring Muscle Up and HS walk ‘part’ of this event, at the same time 3-4 members will complete a stretcher carry. Once both ‘parts’ are complete a time is awarded.
>Teams may choose to allocated as many or as few team members to each part within the prescribed numbers stipulated above.
>Once the workout has started team members can not change the part they have started, however once the part they started has been completed they can help complete the remaining of the other ’part’ if not already complete.
>Scoring: the time it takes to complete both ‘part’s of this event. Each repetition not complete will see one second added to the time cap, if the stretcher is incomplete a team will receive 10 seconds added to the time cap.
Movement standards:
>Ring Muscle Ups. The individual starts hanging from the rings with the arms fully extended at the elbow. They then use a conventional Muscle up movement to move above the rings o a front support position. Front up raise/ Back up raise movements or rolling is NOT allowed. The individual may use a false grip to complete the Muscle up, however must first start with their arms at full extension of the arms. The individual cannot receive any assistance to complete the muscle up. The individual may NOT start in a false grip with bent arms and then complete the Muscle up. The competitor must pass through a dip.
>Toes to Ring: The competitor will start hanging from the Rings with their arms at full extension, the heels must then come from behind the vertical plain of the Rings and up so that both feet make contact with the Rigs SIMULTANEOUSLY. This will continue per repetition.
>Elite: HS walk completed as 4x8m, 4x8m, 2x8 + 1 x16m unbroken blocks.
>Rx: Ring Muscle Ups replaced with 60, 48, 36 Toes to Ring (respectively), Hand stand walk as follows, 16,16,32m as 4m Unbroken blocks.
>Scaled: Ring Muscle Ups replaced with 50, 38, 26 Toes to Ring (respectively), Handstand walk replaced with 16, 32, 48m Wheel barrow, completed as 16m unbroken blocks.
Masters: Ring Muscles Ups as 15, 12, 9, Handstand walk as prescribed in 4m unbroken blocks. Ring Muscle Up and HS Walk ‘part’ completed by one team member only, until such time as the remaining three team members complete the Stretcher carry.
4 Rounds for time:
12 Worm Deadlift
9 Worm Hang Squat Cleans
6 Worm Thrusters
Heat times (Sunday):
>9min Cap.
>Elite: Nil.
>Scaled, Rx: 3 Rounds only.
>Masters: 2-3 Person worm, 3 Rounds only.