The 2023 Individual competition comprised of two stages. The first stage saw individuals compete Online (for more scroll down). Here, individuals were ranked and those who held qualifying spots were invited to the second stage, the finals competition. This was held at the Velodrome in Cambridge over the 25th - 26th of November.

2023 Nationals Champions

Elite Male

1 - Dante Karangaroa

2 - Ben Janssen

3 - Heath Mitchell

Elite Female

1 - Bailey Rogers

2 - Madeline Shelling

3 - Emily Julian

Rookie of the year

Emily Julian

Rx Male

1 - Kaea Taurua

2 - Adam Ward

3 - Hauwai McGahan

Rx Female

1 - Gemma Ellis

2 - Serena Hendry

3 - Jordon Webber

Scaled Male

1 - Jack Underwood

2 - Dion Lee

3 - Joshua Porter

Scaled Female

1 - Te Raipine Mcleod

2 - Jessica David

3 - Alana Te Wharau

Teens 14-15 Male

1 - Jack Hudson

2 - William Gray

3 - Maui Old

Teens 14-15 Female

1 - Nevaeh McNair

2 - Inge Van Wyk

3 - Denym Edwards

Teens 16-17 Male

1 - Giovanni Penjueli

2 - Josiah Plant

3 - Xen Ashby

Teens 16-17 Female

1 - Georgia Theron

2 - Madeline Agnew

3 - Jeanne Tawera

Masters 35-42 Male

1 - Scott Van Den Heuvel

2 - Daniel Harris

3 - Dane Nimmo

Masters 35-42 Female

1 - Alice Loft

2 - Rebecca Mathews

3 - Renee Stewart

Masters 43-49 Male

1 - Michael Tunai

2 - David Slade

3 - Skay Rangi

Masters 43-49 Female

1 - Quanita Taurua

2 - Samantha Gaddes

3 - Beatrice Mcfarland

Masters 50+ Male

1 - Nate Mcgregor

2 - Scott Riddell

3 - Alex Trlin

Masters 50+ Female

1 - Amy Myring

2 - Adrianne Hape

3 - Michele Mackenzie


  • For time:

    1000m Ski



    On the sound of 3,2,1…go! Competitors will ski 1000m.

  • For time:

    77 Reps

    Completed as, 2min on, 30sec off, alternating between:

    #1 - ME Bar Muscle Ups + 28/20 Calorie Row

    #2 - ME Toes to Bar + 30/22 Calorie Row

    >15min Cap



    On the sound of 3,2,1…go! competitors will have two minutes to complete as many Bar Muscle Ups as they choose, and 28/20 Calories on the Rower. Once the two minutes expires competitors must take a 30 second rest which they may use to move back to the Rig. On the sound of 3,2,1… go! (#2 of the first round) competitors will again have two minutes to complete as many Toes to Bar as they choose, and 30/22 Calories on the Rower. Once the two minutes expires competitors must take a 30 second rest once again before starting round two. This will continue until competitors complete 77 reps or three rounds (15 minutes) expires.


    >The Calorie Row is a ‘buy-out’. The buy-out must be completed each block at the end of the block, i.e. no reps can be accumulated following the buy-out in any particular block. Any buy-out reps not complete at the end of each block will be deducted from the running total of accumulated reps. The Calories accumulated on the Rower do not contribute to your total reps.

    >Once competitors achieve 77 reps they must still complete the buy-out in the respective two minute block before running to the finish. Failure to complete the buy-out will see reps deducted and the athlete required to re-acquire the reps in the next round.

    >Female Rx, Scaled, Teen14-15 competitors will start on the Rings.

    >During any gymnastic movements competitors must face towards their respective finish lines.


    >Elite: Nil.

    >Teens16-17, Masters(All): 67 Reps total.

    >Rx: Bar Muscle Ups replaced with Toes to Rings.

    >Scaled: Bar Muscle Ups replaced with Toes to Rings and 25/18 Calories, and Toes to Bar replaced with Situps and 27/20 Calories.

    >Teen14-15: Bar Muscle Ups replaced with Toes to Rings and 25/18 Calories, and 27/20 Calories following the Toes to Bar.

    Movement Standards:

    >Bar Muscle Ups: The competitor starts hanging from the bar at full extension of the arms. They may then use any muscle up movement to move above the bar with the arms fully locked out in the front support position. A glide kip Muscle Up is accepted provided the Toes do not move above the horizontal plain of the Pull up bar. The competitor cannot receive any assistance to complete the muscle up. The competitor cannot come in contact with any other apparatus whilst transitioning above the bar to the front support position.

    >Toes to Bar: The competitor will start hanging from the bar with their arms at full extension, the heels must then come from behind the vertical plain of the bar and up so that both feet of all required competitors make contact with the bar simultaneously, in between the hands.

    >Toes to Rings: The competitor will start hanging from the Rings with their arms at full extension, the heels must then come from behind the vertical plain of the Rings and up so that both feet make contact with the Rings simultaneously. This will continue per repetition.

    >Situps: Each repetition of the sit-up begins with the competitor’s back in contact with the floor, their knees locked out, and their hands touching the floor above their head. At the top, the competitor will raise their torso so that their chest is upright and their hands touch their toes while their legs remain locked out.

  • Build to Max:

    Squat Snatch, Snatch + Overhead Squat.

    Every two minutes complete the complex at the prescribed weight.


    Heat times:


    On the sound of 3,2,1… go! the first individual in a pair will have one minute to complete a Squat Snatch, a Snatch and an Overhead Squat, at the prescribed weight (in the prescribed order). In the following minute the second individual in a pair will have one minute to do the same. After two minutes, pairs will be given 15 seconds to load the next weight. Following this the first individual will again have one minute to complete the complex at the new weight, followed by the second individual and so on.


    >All reps of the complex must be complete within the stipulated minute.

    >Reps must be achieved in order Squat Snatch, Snatch, Overhead Squat.

    >The Bar may be dropped or lowered to the ground after the Squat Snatch (before the Snatch).

    >The Snatch + Overhead Squat must be achieved unbroken. i.e. the bar can not go to the ground or shoulder (and must remain overhead) between the Snatch and the Overhead Squat.

    >Get out of jail free (Card): Each athlete shall receive one “Get Out of Jail Free” card. This allows a competitor to skip a prescribed weight, and continue to progress through the ladder to the next weight. The competitor must communicate to their judge that they are choosing to skip the prescribed weight before the end of their working minute.

    Your ‘Get out of jail free card’ is a pass not a credit for a weight. The weight you miss you will not credited. i.e. if you successfully lift 55kg, then used your card for 57.5kg, then missed 60kg, you would be credited for the 55kg only.



    M - 80,85,90,95,100,105… (+5kg)

    F - 45,50,55,60,65,70,75… (+5kg)

    >Rx, Teens16-17, Masters35-42, Masters43-49:

    M - 60,65,70,75,80,85… (+5kg)

    F - 45,50,55,57.5,60,62.5,65… (+2.5kg)

    >Scaled, Teens14-15, Masters50+:

    M - 45,50,55,60,65,70,75… (+5kg)

    F - 30,35,40,42.5,45,47.5,50… (+2.5kg)

    Movement Standards:

    >Squat Snatch: The bar is to be moved from the ground to locked out over head so that the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and hands are in line and locked out. The competitor starts standing behind the bar, the competitor lifts the bar, and in one continuous motion catches in a squat with hip crease below the knee and arms fully extended at the elbow overhead. They then stand until the hips, knees and shoulders are in-line.

    >Snatch: The bar is to be moved from the ground to locked out over head so that the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and hands are in line and locked out. The competitor may Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch or Squat Snatch the bar. The bar must be in constant motion from the ground until locked out.

    >Overhead Squat: The competitor, will hold the bar overhead, with arms fully extended at the elbows, squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line.

  • For time:

    50m Sled drag

    50m Farmers Carry

    100m Sprint

    50m Farmers Carry

    50m Sled drag

    >3min Cap


    Heat times:


    On the sound of 3,2,1… go! Competitors will move forward and pick up the straps attached to their sled, drag the sled past the 50m line, pick up the Jerry Can/s, carry them past the next 50m line, run out 50m around the flag and back 50m to the Jerry Can/s, carry the Jerry Can/s back to where they started, then drag the sled back to where it started.


    >The sled must be dragged with the straps tracking over the shoulder and the strap held wrapped around the hands only. i.e. the straps can not be wrapped around the waist.

    >Competitors may not hold the straps any closer to the sled than the marked lines.

    >Jerry Can/s must be carried at the side of the body holding the handles.

    >Jerry Can/s must be placed down not dropped. If the Cans are dropped competitors will immediately be awarded 2 Burpees before continuing.


    >Elite, Rx, Masters35-42:

    M - Sled @10+25kg plates, 2x Jerry Cans

    F - Sled @25kg plate, 2x Jerry Cans

    >Scaled, Teens14-15, Masters50+:

    M - Sled @25kg plate, 2x Jerry Cans

    F - Sled @15kg plate, 1 x Jerry Can

    Teens16-17, Masters43-49:

    M - Sled @25+10kg plates, 2x Jerry Cans

    F - Sled @25kg plate, 1 x Jerry Can

    Movement Standards:

    See notes above.

  • For Reps:

    9min AMRAP

    9 Dumbbell Thrusters

    50m Swim


    Heat times:


    On the sound of 3,2,1… go! Competitors will move forward and pick up their Dumbbells and complete 9 Dumbbell Thrusters. Once complete competitors will dive or lower themselves into the pool and swim 50m. Once complete competitors will climb out of the pool, move back to their Dumbbells and start another round. They will continue this until the nine minute cap expires.


    >Dumbbells must be placed on the ground under control. If the Dumbbells are dropped at anytime competitors will be required to complete five burpees before continuing. If Dumbbells are dropped after the time cap, the competitor will be required to complete 10 Burpees or be disqualified.



    M - 2 x 30kg Dumbbells

    F - 2 x 22.5kg Dumbbells

    >R, Scaled, Teens(all), Mastes(all):

    M - 2 x 22.5kg

    F - 2 x 15kg Dumbbells

    Movement Standards:

    >Thrusters: With the Dumbbell’s held in a front rack position where by one end of the Dumbbells (or a ‘bell’) are resting on a shoulder and the handles are held in the hands horizontally, competitors will squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line, at the same time pressing the Dumbbells overhead (inline with the body no wider than hip width apart) at the same time. The competitor’s elbows must NOT touch their knees at the bottom of the squat. The competitor may NOT jerk the Dumbbells overhead. This is completed as a single movement.

    >Swim: competitors may dive or climb into the pool. Competitors may swim using any stroke. Competitors may use a flutter board. Competitors may not use any other form of floatation or assistance in the pool, i.e. fins, wetsuit or paddles.

  • For time:

    9.6km Run

  • For time:

    12m Handstand walk

    35 Pull Ups

    12m Handstand walk

    100 Double Unders

    12m Handstand walk

    35 Pull Ups

    12m Handstand walk

    >10min Cap



    On the sound of 3,2,1…go! Competitors will handstand (HS) walk the stipulated distance from the start line towards the Rig, then move to the Pull Up bar and complete 35 Pull Ups. Once complete, they will HS walk the stipulated distance towards the finish line, which once complete they will work through 100 Double Unders before HS walking back towards the Rig. They will then complete another 35 Pull Ups before HS walking back toward the start line and running across the finish line.


    This workout will be completed by Rx, Scaled, Teens and Masters competitors (i.e. not Elite).


    Rx, Teens(all), Masters(all): 12m HS walk completed in 4m unbroken segments.

    Scaled: HS walk reduced to 6m completed in 3 attempts, Pull Ups reduced to 25, Double Unders reduced to 25 followed by an additional 75 Single Skips.

    Movement Standards:

    Handstand walk: Competitors may not touch the white taped line at any time during the HS walk. Competitors must start with both hands placed on the floor prior to the marked Segment, and must clear the line at the end of the marked segment. Scaled competitors must start each attempt behind where they were last placed hands during the previous attempt.

    Pull Ups: The competitor must start hanging on the bar with the arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. They must then pull up until their chin is higher than the horizontal plain of the TOP of the bar. The competitor may perform a strict, kipping or butterfly pull-up to achieve this.

    Double Unders: This is the standard Double Under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts.

  • Part a.

    6 Round For Time:

    2 Ub Parallel Bar Passes

    12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Ub Stoh

    >7min Cap

    Rest 3mins

    Into, Part b.


    1 Legless Rope Climb

    12m Ub Handstand Walk

    >10min Cap


    Flow(part a.):

    On the sound of 3,2,1…go! Competitors will run to the Parallel Bars and complete one Parallel Bar pass moving from the start line towards the Barbell. Once complete they will move to the Barbell and complete 12 Ub Stoh. They will then return to the Parallel Bar completing one pass from the Barbell end to the start line, then one from the start line back towards the Barbell. They will then return to the Barbell and complete 10 Stoh, then back to the Parallel Bars, one pass in each direction as previously described. They will continue in this fashion until they complete the set of two Ub Stoh after which they will run the finish line at the base of the Pull Up rig.

    Flow(part b.):

    On the sound of 3,2,1… go! Competitors will run to the Rope and complete one Legless Rope Climb. Once complete they will move to the opposing end of the floor from where they completed the Stoh, and complete a 12m Ub Hs walk. Once complete they will move back to the Rope for the next round. This will continue until they have achieved the stipulated rounds. Once the rounds are complete competitors will run to the finish line.


    Females will complete six rounds of part b.

    Movement Standards:

    Parallel Bar passes: The competitor will place their hands on the Parallel Bars behind the taped line, they will then kick into a handstand before traversing across the bars. Once both hands clearly grasp the bars past the marked line at the opposing end to which they started they will be awarded the repetition. A traverse can NOT be broken into segments, each traverse must be unbroken for the repetition to be awarded.

    Shoulder to Overhead (Stoh): The Stoh may be completed as a Shoulder to Overhead in anyway. The Barbell will move from the front rack position to a fully locked out overhead position, where the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows are locked out and inline, and the feet are placed side by side under the hips. The individual may Strict or shoulder press the Barbell, or Push press the Barbell, or Push or power jerk the Barbell, or Split jerk the Barbell. The repetition is complete when locked out overhead under control.

    Legless Rope Climb: Without any use of their legs, competitors will climb up the rope to the Blue cross-beam at the top. Once the competitor touches the crossbeam they may use their legs and/or feet to lower themselves under control to the floor.

    Handstand walk: Competitors may not touch the white taped line at any time during the HS walk. Competitors must start with both hands placed on the floor prior to the marked Segment, and must clear the line at the end of the marked segment. Scaled competitors must start each attempt behind where they were last placed hands during the previous attempt.

  • For time:

    2 Rounds of:

    20 Ring Push Ups

    10 HR Burpee Broad Jumps

    15 Snatch

    into, 2 rounds of:

    20 Ring Push Ups

    10 HR Burpee Broad Jumps

    15 Snatch

    >12min Cap


    Heat times:


    On the sound of 3,2,1…go! Competitors will run to the Rig and complete 20 Ring Push Ups facing the startline. Once complete they will move to the marked area between the Rings and the Barbell where they will complete 10 Hand Release (HR) Burpee Broad Jumps. Once 10 reps are complete they will move to and complete 15 Snatch facing the side of the floor where the Dj Booth is located. On the completion of the 15th Snatch competitors will move back to the Rings and complete a further three rounds before running across the finish line.


    >The first two rounds will see competitors clear a 1.5/1m gap for the Burpee Broad Jump. Rounds three and four will see competitors clear a 2/1.5m gap for the Burpee Broad Jump.


    >Rx, Teens16-17, Masters35-42, Masters43-49: Snatch @45/30kg.

    >Scaled, Teens14-15, Masters50: Snatch @40/25kg.

    Movement Standards:

    >Ring Push Ups: There will be a line taped directly below the rings (the rings must stay directly above this line for the duration of all repetitions). The competitor will start in a front support position whereby their shoulders are clearly above the the rings, their arms are extended and only their toes/feet are touching the ground. They will lower until their shoulder moves below the horizontal plain of the top of their elbow, then press until their elbows return to full extension. At no time will anything other than the competitors toes/feet touch the ground before the repetition is awarded.

    >HR Burpee Broad Jumps: The competitor’s start standing behind the marked line. The competitor then lowers themselves to the floor (hands behind the line) until their chest and thighs make contact with the floor, lift their hands and touch inside the marked area. They then return their hands to the ground outside the marked area, stand up and jump the marked area with a double foot jump, and landing (they may not touch the marked area including the line during the jump, this will be considered a ‘no-rep). Single leg jumps are not allowed. Each Burpee must be performed perpendicular to the marked area. The competitor’s head may be above the line when they lower themselves to the floor and press up again. The competitors may use any method to lower themselves to the ground.

    >Snatch: The bar is to be moved from the ground to locked out over head so that the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and hands are in line and locked out. The competitor may Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch or Squat Snatch the bar. The bar must be in constant motion from the ground until locked out.

  • For time:

    150 Double Unders (Du)

    35 Hang Cleans

    50 Deadlifts

    15 Hand Release (HR) Burpee Broad Jumps

    75 Ring Push Ups

    15 HR Burpee Broad Jumps

    35 Hang Cleans

    50 Deadlift

    150 Du

    >18min cap



    On the sound of 3,2,1… go! Competitors will move to the first segment, facing towards the Rig and complete 150 Du. Once complete competitors will move to the Barbell and complete 35 Hang Cleans facing the side of the floor the Dj booth is. Once complete, in the same location competitors will then complete 50 Deadlift. On completion of 50 Deadlifts competitors will move towards the Rig and complete 15 HR Burpee Broad jumps. Once the 7th rep is complete competitors will move to the Rig and complete 75 Ring Dips. The first 40 reps completed facing into the Rig and the remaining 35 reps facing out from the Rig (back down the floor from which they came). On completion of the 75th rep competitors will move back to the Burpee Broad Jumps, then the Barbell facing the same way, and finally to the rope faxing the finish line.


    M - Bb@75kg, Broad jump @1.5m on the way there, @2m on the way back.

    F - Bb@47.5kg, Broad jump @1m on the way there, @1.5m on the way back.

    Movement Standards:


    This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts.


    The bar is to be loaded with the clips securely fastened. The competitor Deadlifts the bar to fully extend their knees and hips. The competitor then lifts the bar from a hang position (bar held below the hip, above the knee), and in one continuous motion catches in a Front–rack position, elbows infront of the bar. The competitor’s elbows may not touch their knees. They then stand until the hips, knees and shoulders are in-line. The competitor may perform single repetitions, however they must deadlift the bar from the ground before continuing with the next repetition. Bouncing the Barbell on the quads at any time is NOT allowed. The competitor is NOT allowed assistance from any other person.


    The bar is to be loaded with the clips securely fastened. The Individual starts standing behind the bar. The individual lifts the bar until the hips, knees and shoulders are in line. The Individual may use a pronated or alternate grip.
The individual’s hands must be outside the feet. Sumo Deadlifts are NOT allowed. The individual may perform single reps but the bar must be completely stationary before continuing with the next repetition. Bouncing the bar at any time is NOT allowed.

    Ring Push Ups:

    With a line taped directly below the rings (the rings must stay directly above this line for the duration of all repetitions), and the rings set no more than 10 cm from the ground, the competitor will start in a front support position whereby their

    shoulders are clearly above the rings, their arms are extended and only their toes/feet are touching the ground.

    They will lower until their shoulder moves below the horizontal plain of the top of their elbow, then press until their elbows return to full extension. At no time will anything other than the competitors toes/feet touch the ground before the repetition is Awarded.

    HR Burpee Broad Jumps:

    The competitor’s start standing behind the marked line. The competitor then lowers themselves to the floor (hands behind the line) until their chest and thighs make contact with the floor, lift their hands and touch inside the marked area. They then return their hands to the ground outside the marked area, stand up and jump the marked area with a double foot jump, and landing (they may not touch the marked area including the line during the jump, this will be considered a ‘no-rep). Single leg jumps are not allowed. Each Burpee must be performed perpendicular to the marked area. The competitor’s head may be above the line when they lower themselves to the floor and press up again. The competitors may use any method to lower themselves to the ground.

  • For time:

    35 Back Squat

    4 rope Climbs

    15m Double Dumbbell Walking Lunge

  • For time:

    45 Overhead Sqaut

    35 C2b Pull Ups

    12 Devils Press

2023 Qualifying spots:

ELITE | Top 40

RX | Top 40

SCALED | Top 40

TEENS | Top 5 per age group

MASTERS | Top 10 (35-42 & 43-49,50+)


Cash payouts of $12,500 plus thousands in spot prizes!

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and the following cash payout…

    1st: $2000 (NZD)

    2nd: $800 (NZD)

    3rd: $400 (NZD)

    Cash payouts will also be awarded to the male and female winner of each event, to the value of $200 NZD per event.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and and a selection of sponsors prizes.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and and a selection of sponsors prizes.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and the following cash payout…

    1st: $250 (NZD)

    2nd/3rd: A selection of sponsors prizes.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and the following cash payout…

    1st: $250 (NZD)

    2nd/3rd: A selection of sponsors prizes.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and the following cash payout…

    1st: $250 (NZD)

    2nd/3rd: A selection of sponsors prizes.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and the following cash payout…

    1st: $250 (NZD)

    2nd/3rd: A selection of sponsors prizes.

  • Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and the following cash payout…

    1st: $250 (NZD)

    2nd/3rd: A selection of sponsors prizes.


The 2023 Individual Online Qualifier will run as two competition blocks, 07 - 16 and 21 - 30 August. The Online competition is open to anybody and everybody to compete. Competitors can register in one of eight divisions.


  • The Elite division is designed for the top competitors in NZ. These are individuals who have competed for several years, are proficient and competent at ALL varieties of fitness movements and standards.

    It is strongly recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

    The Elite and Age Group divisions, are the ONLY divisions that will receive cash prizes for Podium finishers.

  • Division previously known as ‘Intermediate’. This division is for individuals with only a few holes in their game. Individuals should have solid foundational knowledge of functional movement and be able to complete multiple benchmark workouts as prescribed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, and have competed before this division is for you.

    As a guide, individuals should be able to achieve (as a minimum) multiple reps of:

    Deadlift: M 100kgs / W 85kgs

    Front Squat: M 80kgs / W 65kgs

    Snatch: M 60kgs / W 40kgs

    Thrusters: M 60kgs / W 40kgs

    Stoh: M 60kgs / W 40kgs

    Wall Balls: M 9kgs / W 6kgs

    And can perform (as a minimum):

    25+ Double Skips per minute

    Box Jumps: M 24” / W 20”

    Toes To Bar


    C2B Pull Ups

    Ring Dips

    Kipping HSPU

    Handstand walking to 2.5m

    Rope climbs

    It is recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

  • This division is for the competitive ‘up-and-coming’ individuals. These individuals will typically compete in the scaled or intermediate division at local competitions, or have only begun competing in the last 12-18 months

    As a guide, individuals should be able to achieve (as a minimum) multiple reps of:

    Deadlift: M 75kgs / W 60kgs

    Front Squat: M 65kgs / W 50kgs

    Snatch: M 45kgs / W 25kgs

    Thrusters: M 45kgs / W 25kgs

    Stoh: M 45kgs / W 25kgs

    Wall Ball Shots: M 6kgs / W 3kgs

    And can perform(as a minimum):

    Clean and Jerk/Push Press

    Single skips 25+ per minute

    Box Step Ups: M 24” / W 20”

    Hanging Knee Raises and single TTB repetitions

    Pull Ups

    Supported Handstand hold, and Handstand pushups with a limited range of motion (i.e. with an ab mat).

    It is recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

  • This division is for 14-15 year old individuals. Individuals should have solid foundational knowledge of functional movement and be able to complete multiple benchmark workouts as prescribed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, and have competed before this division is for you.

    Note: Age group divisions are NOT scaled divisions.

    As a guide, individuals should be able to achieve (as a minimum) multiple reps of:

    Deadlift: M 75kgs / W 60kgs

    Front Squat: M 65kgs / W 50kgs

    Snatch: M 45kgs / W 25kgs

    Thrusters: M 45kgs / W 25kgs

    Stoh: M 45kgs / W 25kgs

    Wall Ball Shots: M 6kgs / W 3kgs

    And can perform(as a minimum):

    Clean and Jerk/Push Press

    25+ Double skips per minute


    Pull Ups


    Handstand walking

    It is recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

    The Elite and Age Group divisions, are the ONLY divisions that will receive cash prizes for Podium finishers.

  • This division is for 16-17 year old individuals. Individuals should have solid foundational knowledge of functional movement and be able to complete multiple benchmark workouts as prescribed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, and have competed before this division is for you.

    Note: Age group divisions are NOT scaled divisions.

    As a guide, individuals should be able to achieve (as a minimum) multiple reps of:

    Deadlift: M 100kgs / W 85kgs

    Front Squat: M 80kgs / W 65kgs

    Snatch: M 60kgs / W 40kgs

    Thrusters: M 60kgs / W 40kgs

    Stoh: M 60kgs / W 40kgs

    Wall Balls: M 9kgs / W 6kgs

    And can perform (as a minimum):

    50+ Double Skips per minute

    Box Jumps: M 24” / W 20”

    Toes To Bar


    C2B Pull Ups

    Bar and Ring Muscle ups


    Handstand walking

    Rope climbs

    It is recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

    The Elite and Age Group divisions, are the ONLY divisions that will receive cash prizes for Podium finishers.

  • This division is for 35-42 year old individuals. Individuals should have solid foundational knowledge of functional movement and be able to complete multiple benchmark workouts as prescribed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, and have competed before this division is for you.

    Note: Age group divisions are NOT scaled divisions.

    It is strongly recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

    The Elite and Age Group divisions, are the ONLY divisions that will receive cash prizes for Podium finishers.

  • This division is for 43-49 year old individuals. Individuals should have solid foundational knowledge of functional movement and be able to complete multiple benchmark workouts as prescribed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, and have competed before this division is for you.

    Note: Age group divisions are NOT scaled divisions.

    It is strongly recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

    The Elite and Age Group divisions, are the ONLY divisions that will receive cash prizes for Podium finishers.

  • This division is for 50 year old individuals and over. Individuals should have solid foundational knowledge of functional movement and be able to complete multiple benchmark workouts as prescribed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, and have competed before this division is for you.

    Note: Age group divisions are NOT scaled divisions.

    It is strongly recommended that individuals use previous years workouts as a guideline in selecting their division.

    The Elite and Age Group divisions, are the ONLY divisions that will receive cash prizes for Podium finishers.

2023 Online Qualifier Workouts

Workout 1 | Patricks Dash

Standards and Description : CLICK HERE

Workout 2 | Squats with Squidward

Standards and Description : CLICK HERE

Workout 3 | SwoleBob

Standards and Description | CLICK HERE

Workout 4 | Krabs1000

Standards and Description | CLICK HERE

Workout 5 | Pumped with Plankton

Standards and Description | CLICK HERE

Workout 6 | Get it Gary

Standards, Weights and Description | CLICK HERE

User name: Email you registered.

Password: Four digit receipt number (remove the first '0' and/or '#')