The 2024 team competition took place October 26-27th at Mystery Creek Events Centre. The event welcomed 230 teams, each comprising of six members (3 males and 3 females), to participate in one of three divisions: Elite, Rx, and Scaled. And, a further 20 teams, consisting of four members each (2 males and 2 females), competing in one of two Masters divisions.
2024 National Champions | Fittest Gym in New Zealand
1 - CrossFit Mecca
2 - CrossFit Nas
3 - Mount CrossFit
For time:
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(4) Ttb
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(4) Bar Muscle Ups
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Strict Wall Facing Hspu
20 Sync(4) Ttb
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Males
15 Sync(2) Strict Wall Facing Hspu
20 Sync(2) Ring Muscle Ups
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Males
Run to finish
>Time Cap: 16mins.
>Teams must complete each exercise in order before moving onto the next.
>Teams may tag in and out as they choose, there is no requirement to keep any pairings the same throughout the event.
>Scoring. The time to complete the event. Any reps not completed will see one second added to the 16min time cap, plus one second awarded for failing to cross the finish line.
On 3,2,1… go! Teams will move to and uplift the walls. With four team members holding the walls two team members will then complete sync Wall walks on the same side of the walls (masters will complete Wall walks using one wall and on opposing sides of the wall). Once complete teams will then complete Ttb (or Ttb + Hang, or Situps) with no more than two people on one the same Pull Up bar. Once complete the team's female competitors will move to and complete the Thrusters. Once complete the females will rejoin the males at the Pull Up rig where they will complete the next ‘round’. In all instances no more than two competitors will use one Pull Up bar, Wall walks or Wall Facing Hspu will be completed on the same side of the wall (except the masters divisions), and the gender not working on the Thruster will remain under the Pull Up Rig. Additionally, the males will be required to roll the Barbell forward into the next section of the floor and load their own plates before completing the Thrusters.
Movement Standards:
>Wall walk:The competitors start lying on the ground with their hands on the taped line. At the same time they will then kick their feet onto the wall before moving their hands from the taped line, then walking their hands back towards the wall where there will be another taped line. Once both competitors have both hands on the taped line closest to the wall they will then walk their hands forward again returning to the original taped line before lowering their feet. Sync timing: top and bottom of each repetition.
>Ttb: The competitors will start hanging from the bar with their arms at full extension, the heels must then come from behind the vertical plain of the bar and up so that both feet make contact with the bar SIMULTANEOUSLY in between the hands. This will continue per repetition. Sync timing: toes touching the horizontal bar.
>Thrusters: The competitors will front rack the bar, squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line, at the same time pressing the bar overhead. The competitor’s elbows must NOT touch their knees throughout the lift. The competitor may NOT jerk the bar over head. This is completed as a single movement. Sync timing: Barbells held overhead with the elbows and knees extending and the Barbell held over the center of the body.
>Bar Muscle Ups: The competitors start hanging from the bar at full extension of the arms. They may then use any muscle up movement to move above the bar with the arms fully locked out in the front support position, shoulders in front of the vertical plain of the Pull Up bar. A glide kip type Muscle Up is accepted provided the Toes do not move above the horizontal plain of the Pull up bar. The competitors cannot receive any assistance to complete the muscle up. Competitors may NOT take their hands off the Pull Up bar in effort to rest on top of the Pull Up bar. Sync timing: elbows extended supporting their own weight, above the Pull Up bar.
>Wall facing Hspu: The competitors will complete a wall walk until such time both their hands touch the taped line. The competitors will start in a Handstand whereby they are facing the wall, hands (or fingers) touching the taped line and their body extended at the elbows, hips and knees and their toes (end of their shoe) on the wall. The competitors lower themselves until their head makes contact with the ground. They then press until their body returns to full extension. If at any time the feet move off the wall or their hands or fingers are not touching the line, this is considered a ‘No-rep’. Sync timing: top of the Hspu.
>Ring Muscle Ups: The competitors start hanging from the rings at full extension of the arms, they may then Muscle up to move above the rings with the arms fully locked out in the front support position. Front up raise/ Back up raise movements or rolling is NOT allowed. The competitors may use a false grip to conduct the Muscle up, but, they must first start with their arms at full extension, this can be with false grip and the arms fully extended or starting in a dead hang grip and transitioning into a false grip. The competitors cannot receive any assistance to complete the muscle up.. Sync timing: in the front support position (at the top of the dip), above the Rings.
>Chest to Bar Pull Ups: The competitors must start hanging on the bar with the arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. They must then Pull-up until their chest makes contact with the bar. The competitors may perform a strict, kipping or butterfly Pull-up to achieve this. Sync timing: chest touching the Pull Up Bar.
>Pull Ups: The competitors must start hanging on the bar with the arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. They must then pull up until their chin is higher than the horizontal plain of the TOP of the bar. The competitors may perform a strict, kipping or butterfly pull-up to achieve this.
>Strict Pull Ups: The competitors must start hanging on the bar with the arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. They must then pull up until their chin is higher than the horizontal plain of the TOP of the bar. They may not swing in any form in order to assist themselves achieving the required range of motion.
>Hand release Pushups: A straight body position must be maintained throughout the push-up. No snaking, sagging or pushing up from the knees is allowed. The competitors will start with their elbows locked out and their feet no wider than shoulder width. They will lower to the floor where their chest (nipple line or above) must touch the floor and the hands must be lifted off the ground. They then place their hands back down and press to extension. Sync timing: top of the pushup and hands off while on the ground.
>Situps: Each repetition of the sit-up begins with the competitor’s back in contact with the floor, their knees locked out, and their hands touching the floor above their head. At the top, the competitor will raise their torso so that their chest is upright and their hands touch their toes. Sync timing: touching the toes.
20,25,30kg Thrusters - females, 35,40,45kg Thrusters - males.
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(2) Ttb + (2) Hang
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(4) Strict Pull Ups
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Strict Wall Facing Hspu (to an Ab mat)
20 Sync(4) Ttb
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Males
15 Sync(2) Strict Wall Facing Hspu (to an Ab mat)
20 Sync(2) C2b + (2) Hang
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Males
Run to finish
Note:20,25,30kg Thrusters - females, 35,40,45kg Thrusters - males.
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(4) Situps
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(2) Pull Ups + (2) Hang
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(4) Hand Release Pushups
20 Sync(2) Ttb + (2) Hang
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Males
15 Sync(4) Hand Release Pushups
20 Sync(2) Pull Ups + (2) Hang
35 Sync(3) Thrusters - Males
Run to finish
Note:20,25,30kg Thrusters - females, 35,40,45kg Thrusters - males.
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(2) Ttb
35 Sync(2) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Wall walks
20 Sync(3) Strict Pull Ups
35 Sync(2) Thrusters - Females
15 Sync(2) Strict Wall Facing Hspu (to an Ab mat)
20 Sync(3) Ttb
35 Sync(2) Thrusters - Males
15 Sync(2) Strict Wall Facing Hspu (to an Ab mat)
20 Sync(2) Bar Mu
35 Sync(2) Thrusters - Males
Run to finish
Note: 20,25kg Thrusters - females, 35,40kg Thrusters - males.
5 Rounds for time:
20 Worm Squats
20 Sync(2) Burpee ‘get over’
Then Run to finish
>Time Cap: 20mins.
>Teams will complete the first four rounds of Burpee ‘get overs’ at the closest (lower) apparatus, and the last round at the further (higher) apparatus.
>The Catch: The worm must remain held on the shoulder for the duration of the workout. If the worm is dropped at any time the team will complete five sync(6) Lateral Worm Burpees before returning the worm to the shoulder and continuing with the event.
>Teams must complete each exercise in order before moving onto the next.
>Teams may tag in and out as they choose, there is no requirement to keep any pairings the same throughout the event.
>Scoring. The time to complete the event. Any reps not completed will see one second added to the 20min time cap, plus one second awarded for failing to cross the finish line.
>Team members must be ordered alternating in gender, i.e. M-F-M-F-M-F. This rule remains consistent for masters teams.
On 3,2,1… go! Teams will move to and uplift the worm. They will then complete 20 Worm Squats. Once complete, with the worm held off the ground, two team members will move to and complete 20 Burpee ‘get overs’. Once complete those two team members will return to the worm and begin the next round. If at any time the worm is dropped, teams will complete five sync(6) Lateral Worm Burpees (this includes if the two team members are mid way through completing the Burpee ‘get overs’). Once all five rounds are complete (at the time the 20th Burpee get over is completed on the 5th round) teams may drop the worm and run to the finish.
Movement Standards:
>Worm Squats: The team will lift the worm to the shoulder, with the worm held on the shoulder, squat down until their hip creases goes below the top of their knees at the same time, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line. The team may not receive assistance. Any competitor’s elbows or hands must NOT touch any part of their body throughout the squat. Sync timing: top and bottom of the Squat.
>Burpee ‘get over’: The competitor’s start standing facing the apparatus. The competitors lower themselves to the ground until their chest and thighs make contact with the ground at the same time. Once both have made contact with both their chest and thighs (at the same time), they then stand up and get over the apparatus. Each Burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the apparatus.
>Lateral Worm Burpee: The competitor’s start standing aside the worm. The competitors lower themselves to the ground until their chest and thighs make contact with the ground at the same time. Once all team members have made contact with both their chest and thighs (at the same time), they then stand up and get over the worm. Each Burpee must be performed laterally, with all competitors facing the same way.
>Elite, Rx, Scaled: Nil
>Masters: 3-person worm.
3 Rounds for Reps:
35 Alternating Deadlift
900/800m Row
Max Effort Double Dutch
>Time Cap: Each round comprises five minutes.
>A new pair must complete each five minute block.
>Teams must complete each exercise in order before moving onto the next.
>Each individual may only complete one round.
>The pair tagging in must wait off the platform until the round begins.
>Scoring. The total number of Double Dutch jumps achieved with a pair inside the rope/rotation of the ropes (you will not be awarded for the jump in repetition, rather repetitions are accumulated from the jump following).
On 3,2,1… go! A pair will complete 35 alternating Deadlift (whereby one person in the pair completes a repetition while the other holds the Barbell or Dumbbells at lockout). Once 35 repetitions have been awarded the pair then Row 900m or 800m (respective of male or female, each with their own Rower). Once complete two of the four team members not working will then rotate the ropes (in the opposite direction) for the working pair to accumulate as many Double Dutch reps as possible in the remainder of the five minutes. At the five minute mark the next pair will begin their Deadlift.
Movement Standards:
>Alternating Deadlift (Dumbbell or Barbell): The competitors start standing back to back behind the Barbell and Dumbbells. They lift the Barbell and Dumbbells Simultaneously until the hips, knees and shoulders are in line (standing tall). Once both competitors have achieved lockout they may begin the first repetition whereby the competitor with the Barbell will lower it to the ground, touch the ground, then stand tall. Once the repetition has been awarded the competitor with the Dumbbells will then lower them to the floor, touching the ground with one head of each Dumbbell before standing tall to be awarded the second repetition. While one competitor is working through a repetition the other must hold the Dumbbells or Barbell at full lockout. If either competitor lowers their equipment to the ground to rest, or out of turn, they must both return to standing tall holding the equipment before continuing to accumulate repetitions. The competitors may use a pronated or alternate grip. The hands must be outside the feet. Sumo Deadlift is NOT allowed. Bouncing the equipment at any time is NOT allowed.
>Double Dutch: One repetition is awarded each time the rope passes under the feet of a pair of competitors and they land without touching that rope. A repetition will not be awarded for the jump in repetition, rather repetitions are accumulated from the jump following.
>Elite, Rx, Scaled: Nil
>Masters: two rounds only
For time:
As a team, run 42km
>Teams will complete the 42km in 1km increments.
>Teams may tag in and out as they choose each 1km.
>Each team member must run a minimum of 5km (accumulated).
For time:
15 Rope Climbs
9 Clean & Jerk
15 Rope Climbs
15 Clean & Jerk
15 Rope Climbs
21 Clean & Jerk
Run to finish
>Time Cap: 9mins
>One pair will complete the first Rope Climbs and Clean & Jerk before a second pair will join in. Once the second round of Rope Climbs and Clean & Jerk are complete the final pair will join the rest of the team. Waiting pairs will remain at the start line until the required repetitions have been completed.
>Teams must complete each exercise in order before moving onto the next.
>Rope climbs may be completed concurrently using two ropes, however only one Barbell may be moved/used at any one time.
>Scoring. The time to complete the event. Any reps not completed will see one second added to the 9min time cap, plus one second awarded for failing to cross the finish line.
>Males may only use the Blue Barbell.
On 3,2,1… go! A pair of competitors will move to and complete the rope climbs (using two ropes, working concurrently). Once complete they will move to and complete the 9 Clean & Jerk. Once complete they will return to the ropes, at which point a second pairing will join them and complete the second round of rope climbs. They will then move back to the Barbell to complete 15 Clean & Jerks. Once complete they will return to the ropes at which point the remaining pair will join them to work through the remainder of the event.
Movement Standards:
>Rope Climb: Competitors may use any climbing method to climb the rope. The repetition is awarded once the competitor touches the blue beam the rope is fastened to. However, once they have touched the blue beam they must then lower themselves under control.
>Clean & Jerk: The competitor first lifts the Barbell to the frontrack whereby the hips, knees and shoulders are in-line, at the same time the elbows must be in front of the Barbell. They may use any forms of clean: Muscle Clean, or Power Clean, or Squat Clean. They then move the Barbell overhead to a fully locked out overhead position, where the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows are locked out and inline and the feet are placed side by side under the hips. They may Strict or shoulder press, or Push press, or Push or power jerk, or Split jerk the Barbell. The repetition is complete when locked out overhead under control. The competitor may clean the bar and continue from the front rack to overhead without extending during the clean.
Clean & Jerk @80/50kg
Clean & Jerk @70/40kg
Clean & Jerk @55/35kg
Rope climb to a taped line.
For Reps:
Max Effort Worm Shoulder to Overhead
65 Worm Cleans
>This event will take place immediately following E5. You will have a three minute reset/rest between events in addition to any time you are under the time cap of E5.
>Time Cap: 9mins
>Teams must complete the required Worm Cleans before beginning the Stoh.
>Every 10 repetitions of Stoh teams must move their marker forward one square.
>Scoring. The total number of Stoh achieved in the 9min cap.
>Cleans must be performed to alternating shoulders, therefore teams are required to step over the worm after each repetition.
On 3,2,1… go! Teams will complete 65 Worm Cleans as, Clean to the shoulder, drop the worm, step over the worm, Clean to the shoulder, drop the Worm, step over the worm and so on. Once the required repetitions have been awarded they may then begin accumulating Stoh. Every 10 repetitions the teams must either hold the Worm at the shoulder or drop the Worm, in order for one member to move forward to the scoring box and move their marker forward, once moved they can then return to the Worm and continue accumulating Stoh.
Movement Standards:
>Worm Clean: The worm will be lifted from the ground to the shoulder whereby the weight of the worm is resting unassisted on each team member's shoulder. The rep is awarded once the worm is resting on the correct shoulder of all team members. Team members must be ordered alternating in gender, i.e. M-F-M-F-M-F. This rule remains consistent for masters teams.
>Worm Shoulder to Overhead (Stoh): The worm will move from one shoulder (of all team members) to the opposing shoulder to which the worm started (of all team members). The rep is awarded once the worm is resting on the correct shoulder of all team members. Team members must be ordered alternating in gender, i.e. M-F-M-F-M-F. This rule remains consistent for masters teams.
60 Cleans
55 Cleans
For time (6 rounds):
20 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch
20-70m Handstand Walk
150m Jerry Can Carry
Tag/Run to finish the next person in your team.
>Time Cap: 17mins
>Event is completed as a ‘Conga Line’, one person working through the event at a time.
>Individuals must complete the prescription (above), in order, before tagging the next person.
>Jerry Cans must be carried at the side of the body and placed standing upright.
>Individuals must go under then over the apparatus on the way to the Jerry cans, and over then under on the way back from the Jerry cans.
>Scoring. The time taken for all six (or four for masters teams) team members to complete the event. Any reps not completed will see one second added to the 17min time cap, plus one second awarded for failing to cross the finish line.
On 3,2,1… go! Competitor one will complete the 20 D.Db Hang Snatch, the 20m HS walk, go under then over the apparatus, cary the Jerry Cans out 75m, turn around and carry the Jerry Cans back the 75m the way they came, place the Jerry Cans down, go over then under the apparatus, then run to and tag the next team member. The next team member will then complete the same before tagging the next team member, and so on until all six (or four for masters teams) have completed the event and the last member has run across the finish line. Distances for the Handstand walk increase as respectively in order as outlined above.
Movement Standards:
>Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch: With a Dumbbell held in each hand the competitor will stand tall (by completing a Deadlift), from here they may begin their first repetition whereby the Dumbbells will move from the Hang to overhead, so that the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and hands are in line and locked out, with the Dumbbells held overhead. The competitor may Hang Muscle Snatch, Hang Power Snatch or Hang Squat Snatch the Dumbbells. The Dumbbell must be in constant motion from the hang to overhead. If the Dumbbells are placed on the ground before the 20th repetition is awarded, the competitor must complete another Deadlift before continuing to accumulate repetitions.
>Handstand walk: Competitors must start with both hands placed on the ground prior to the marked Segment and must clear the line at the end of the same marked segment walking on their hands. Rx, Scaled and Masters competitors must start each attempt behind where they last placed their hands during the previous attempt.
>Wheelbarrow: With the working person's hands on the ground a teammate will hold their legs (below the knee) while they walk on their hands the stipulated distance. If the working person's legs are lowered at any time before the complete distance is awarded they must restart behind the most recently completed 5m segment.
2x22.5/15kg Dumbbells
20,20,20,30,30,70m Handstand walk, achieved in unbroken 5m increments. Distances are achieved in order respective of the person whose turn it is.
2x22.5/15kg Dumbbells
5,10,15,20,25,30m Handstand walk, achieved in 5m increments (with two attempts to achieve each 5m segment). Distances are achieved in order respective of the person whose turn it is.
4 Four rounds only
2x22.5/15kg Dumbbells
10,20,20,30m Handstand walk, achieved in 5m increments (with two attempts to achieve each 5m segment). Distances are achieved in order respective of the person whose turn it is.
2x15/10kg Dumbbells
20,30,40,50m Wheel Barrow (team member 1-4), Then, 10,15m Handstand walk, achieved in 5m increments (with three attempts to achieve each 5m segment). Distances are achieved in order respective of the person whose turn it is.
For load:
1RM Split Jerk
1RM Front Squat
1RM Overhead Squat
>Time Cap: 12mins
>Two team members will find their 1RM Split Jerk, two will find their 1RM Front Squat and the remaining two will find their 1RM Overhead Squat.
>Barbells will be taken from the ground. Team members may assist each other moving the Barbell from the ground to the Front or Backrack. Teams must be clear of the Barbell (i.e. not touching the Barbell) for at least a 2sec count before the working individual attempts a repetition. Only one competitor may make an attempt at any one time.
>Competitors may have as many attempts and may change the weights up and down as they choose.
>Teams will each have one 20kg and one 15kg Barbell, and 157.5kg worth of bumper plates.
>Collars must be securely fastened for a repetition to be awarded
>Scoring. The total combined load of the best successful lift of each team member.
Movement Standards:
>Split Jerk: The Jerk may be completed as a Shoulder to Overhead anyhow. The Barbell will move from the front rack position to a fully locked out overhead position, where the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows are locked out and inline. And the feet are placed side by side under the hips. The competitor may Strict or shoulder press the Barbell, or Push press the Barbell, or Push or power jerk the Barbell, or Split jerk the Barbell. The repetition is complete when locked out overhead under control.
>Front Squat: With the Barbell held in the front rack the competitor will squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended at the hips and knees and the shoulders in line. The competitor’s elbows must NOT touch their knees throughout the lift.
>Overhead Squat: With the Barbell held overhead, with arms fully extended at the elbows, the competitor will squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line. The repetition will be awarded once the individual has stood tall and shows control of the Barbell held overhead.
>Elite, Rx, Scaled:
>Competitors may choose what lifts they wish to perform, each athlete may only perform one of the lifts e.g Split Jerk. As an example two team members might lift 1RM Split Jerk, one team member might lift 1RM FS and the last athlete might lift 1RM OHS - four lifts in total. Each lift can only be performed up to two team members.
For time:
2 rounds of
10 Sync(6) Dumbbell Devils press
10 Sync(6) Worm facing Burpees
into 1 round of
33m Worm Zercher walking Lunge
Saturday 26 October:
Heat 1: (141-150) 8:00
Heat 2: (151-160) 8:23
Heat 3: (161-170) 8:46
Heat 4: (171-180) 9:09
Heat 5: (181-190) 9:32
Heat 6: (191-200) 9:55
Heat 7: (201-210) 10:18
Heat 8: (211-220) 10:41
Heat 9: (221-230) 11:04
Heat 10: (231-240) 11:27
Heat 11: (241-250) 11:50
Heat 12: (1-10) 12:13
Heat 13: (11-20) 12:36
Heat 14: (21-30) 12:59
Heat 15: (31-40) 13:22
Heat 16: (41-50) 13:45
Heat 17: (51-60) 14:08
Heat 18: (61-70) 14:31
Heat 19: (71-80) 14:54
Heat 20: (81-90) 15:17
Heat 21: (91-100) 15:40
Heat 22: (101-110) 16:03
Heat 23: (111-120) 16:26
Heat 24: (121-130) 16:49
Heat 25: (131-140) 17:12
Heat 1: (201-205) 8:00
Heat 2: (206-210) 8:25
Heat 3: (211-215) 8:50
Heat 4: (216-220) 9:15
Heat 5: (221-235) 9:40
Heat 6: (236-250) 10:10
Heat 7: (1-15) 10:40
Heat 8: (16-30) 11:10
Heat 9: (31-45) 11:40
Heat 10: (46-60) 12:10
Heat 11: (61-75) 12:40
Heat 12: (76-90) 13:10
Heat 13: (91-100) 13:40
Heat 14: (101-115) 14:10
Heat 15: (116-130) 14:40
Heat 16: (131-145) 15:10
Heat 17: (146-160) 15:40
Heat 18: (161-175) 16:10
Heat 19: (176-190) 16:40
Heat 20: (191-200) 17:10
Heat 1: (1-20) 9:00
Heat 2: (21-40) 9:25
Heat 3: (41-60) 9:50
Heat 4: (61-80) 10:15
Heat 5: (81-100) 10:40
Heat 6: (101-120) 11:05
Heat 7: (121-140) 11:30
Heat 8: (141-160) 11:55
Heat 9: (161-180) 12:20
Heat 10: (181-200) 12:45
Heat 11: (201-220) 13:10
Heat 12: (221-240) 13:35
Heat 13: (241-250) 14:00
Heat 1: (All) 18:00
Sunday 27 October:
Heat 1: (21-30) 9:15
Heat 2: (91-40) 9:27
Heat 3: (41-50) 9:39
Heat 4: (51-60) 9:51
Heat 5: (61-70) 10:03
Heat 6: (71-80) 10:15
Heat 7: (81-90) 10:27
Heat 8: (91-100) 10:39
Heat 9: (101-110) 11:00
Heat 10: (111-120) 11:12
Heat 11: (121-130) 11:24
Heat 12: (131-140) 11:36
Heat 13: (141-150) 11:48
Heat 14: (151-160) 12:00
Heat 15: (161-170) 12:12
Heat 16: (171-180) 12:24
Heat 17: (181-185, 201-205) 12:36
Heat 18: (186-190, 205-210) 12:48
Heat 19: (191-195, 211-215) 13:09
Heat 20: (196-200, 216-220) 13:21
Heat 21: (221-230) 13:42
Heat 22: (231-240) 13:54
Heat 23: (241-250) 14:06
Heat 24: (1-10) 14:27
Heat 25: (11-20) 14:39
Heat 1: (21-30) 9:15
Heat 2: (91-40) 9:27
Heat 3: (41-50) 9:39
Heat 4: (51-60) 9:51
Heat 5: (61-70) 10:03
Heat 6: (71-80) 10:15
Heat 7: (81-90) 10:27
Heat 8: (91-100) 10:39
Heat 9: (101-110) 11:00
Heat 10: (111-120) 11:12
Heat 11: (121-130) 11:24
Heat 12: (131-140) 11:36
Heat 13: (141-150) 11:48
Heat 14: (151-160) 12:00
Heat 15: (161-170) 12:12
Heat 16: (171-180) 12:24
Heat 17: (181-185, 201-205) 12:36
Heat 18: (186-190, 205-210) 12:48
Heat 19: (191-195, 211-215) 13:09
Heat 20: (196-200, 216-220) 13:21
Heat 21: (221-230) 13:42
Heat 22: (231-240) 13:54
Heat 23: (241-250) 14:06
Heat 24: (1-10) 14:27
Heat 25: (11-20) 14:39
Heat 1: (101-115) 8:30
Heat 2: (116-130) 8:57
Heat 3: (131-145) 9:24
Heat 4: (146-160) 9:51
Heat 5: (161-175) 10:18
Heat 6: (176-190) 10:45
Heat 7: (191-205) 11:12
Heat 8: (206-220) 11:39
Heat 9: (221-235) 12:06
Heat 10: (236-250) 12:33
Heat 11: (1-15) 13:00
Heat 12: (16-30) 13:27
Heat 13: (31-45) 13:54
Heat 14: (46-60) 14:21
Heat 15: (61-75) 14:48
Heat 16: (76-90) 15:15
Heat 17: (91-100) 15:42
Heat 1: (201-220) 10:00
Heat 2: (221-240) 10:22
Heat 3: (241-250) 10:44
Heat 4: (1-20) 11:06
Heat 5: (21-40) 11:28
Heat 6: (41-60) 11:50
Heat 7: (61-80) 12:12
Heat 8: (81-100) 12:34
Heat 9: (101-120) 12:56
Heat 10: (121-140) 13:18
Heat 11: (141-160) 13:40
Heat 12: (161-180) 14:02
Heat 13: (181-200) 14:24
Heat 1: (Scaled, Top 10) 16:00
Heat 2: (Rx, Top 10) 16:20
Heat 3: (Elite, Top 10) 16:20
We’re absolutely stoked to have supported the Child Cancer Foundation in 2024. HOW? Team Nationals will hosted a charity workout. WHERE? The workout took place on the central stage infront of the Pavilion. WHAT? A pairs (same-sex) workout for all fitness levels, designed to be inclusive yet challenging. WHEN? Saturday between 3:30pm - 5:30pm. WHY? The Nationals events are an experience, one that we hope will create life-long memories that are cherished. With that in mind, we believe we have an opportunity to support others who may never be able to experience such a spectacular weekend, or who we can support to one day be a part of our journey in health and fitness.
Cash payouts of $7,500 plus thousands in spot prizes!
Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver of bronze medal respective or their placing and the following cash payout…
1st: $3000 (NZD)
2nd: $1500 (NZD)
3rd: $1000 (NZD)
Note: No other division will receive cash prizes.
Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and and a selection of sponsors prizes.
Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and and a selection of sponsors prizes.
Podium finishers will receive a gold, silver or bronze medal respective of their placing and and a selection of sponsors prizes.
Additional cash prizes
$1000 (NZD) will be awarded to the overall winning team (across all divisions) of the event held at Lake Karapiro.
Spot prizes include: TBA
Note: spot prizes are awarded to teams for specific events and/or event wins, sportsmanship, community involvement and support and drawn from the overall entry list.
The Elite division is designed for competitors. These are teams, that as a collective, have competed for several years, are proficient and competent at all varieties of fitness movements and standards.
It is recommended that teams use previous years workouts and example events published by the events team (via social platforms) as a guideline in selecting the appropriate division.
DISCLAIMER: This is by no means a definitive list of what each team member must be able to achieve in order to compete in this division. Neither is this a complete list of movements or a restriction of movements. Rather, this is a guideline in effort to help teams chose the appropriate division to compete. The NZ Team Nationals is a team event, where the programming will require that your entire team (in most cases) complete the task or challenge prescribed.
As a guide, at least two team members can achieve multiple repetitions of the following:
Deadlift: M140, F90
Front Squat: M100, F70
Snatch M70, F45
Thruster: M70, F45
Stoh: M70, F45
Wall Balls Sync: M9, F6
Toes to Bar Sync
C2B Pull Ups Sync
Double Unders
Ring & Bar Muscle Ups
Wall facing Hspu Sync
10m UB Handstand walk
15ft Legless Rope Climb
The Elite division is now SOLD OUT, please contact-us to be added to the waitlist.
These are teams with a few holes in their game. As a guide competitors are likely to complete the 2024 CrossFit Open as prescribed and more often than not will ‘Rx’ workouts prescribed in their regular class programming.
It is recommended that teams use previous years workouts and example events published by the events team (via social platforms) as a guideline in selecting the appropriate division.
DISCLAIMER: This is by no means a definitive list of what each team member must be able to achieve in order to compete in this division. Neither is this a complete list of movements or a restriction of movements. Rather, this is a guideline in effort to help teams chose the appropriate division to compete. The NZ Team Nationals is a team event, where the programming will require that your entire team (in most cases) complete the task or challenge prescribed.
As a guide, at least two team members can achieve multiple repetitions of the following:
Deadlift: M120, F85
Front Squat: M80, F65
Snatch M60, F40
Thruster: M60, F40
Stoh: M40, F40
Wall Balls Sync: M9, F6
Toes to Bar Sync
Pull Ups Sync
Double Unders
Ring Dips
Wall facing Hspu to an Ab mat
5m UB Handstand walk
15ft Rope Climb
The Rx division is now SOLD OUT, please contact-us to be added to the waitlist.
These teams typically comprise of individuals who compete in the scaled or intermediate division at local competitions, have just begun competing in the last 6-18 months or may be competing for the first time. The division is designed for less experienced individuals and teams to begin their competition journey.
It is recommended that teams use previous years workouts and example events published by the events team (via social platforms) as a guideline in selecting the appropriate division.
DISCLAIMER: This is by no means a definitive list of what each team member must be able to achieve in order to compete in this division. Neither is this a complete list of movements or a restriction of movements. Rather, this is a guideline in effort to help teams chose the appropriate division to compete. The NZ Team Nationals is a team event, where the programming will require that your entire team (in most cases) complete the task or challenge prescribed.
As a guide, at least two team members can achieve multiple repetitions of the following:
Deadlift: M75, F60
Front Squat: M60, F40
Snatch M40, F25
Thruster: M40, F25
Stoh: M40, F25
Wall Balls Sync: M6, F3
Situps Sync
Pull Ups
Single Skips
Wall walks
2.5m UB Handstand walk
15ft Rope Climb
The Scaled division is now SOLD OUT, please contact-us to be added to the waitlist.
This year will see teams of four (two males and two females), competing in their choice of two divisions, those being team members between the age of 35 - 44, and 45+.
This division will see a similar prescription to that of the Rx division however with the inclusion of a number of higher level gymnastic movements that are often seen in the Elite division. As a guide competitors are likely to complete all workouts in the 2024 CrossFit Open as prescribed, and at least two team members should be competent across all gymnastic movements seen at local Fitness and/or CrossFit competitions.
It is recommended that teams use previous years workouts and example events published by the events team (via social platforms) as a guideline in selecting the appropriate division.
DISCLAIMER: This is by no means a definitive list of what each team member must be able to achieve in order to compete in this division. Neither is this a complete list of movements or a restriction of movements. Rather, this is a guideline in effort to help teams chose the appropriate division to compete. The NZ Team Nationals is a team event, where the programming will require that your entire team (in most cases) complete the task or challenge prescribed.
As a guide, at least two team members can achieve multiple repetitions of the following:
Deadlift: M120, F85
Front Squat: M80, F65
Snatch M60, F40
Thruster: M60, F40
Stoh: M40, F40
Wall Balls Sync: M9, F6
Toes to Bar Sync
C2b Pull Ups Sync
Ring & Bar Muscle Ups
Double Unders
Wall Facing Hspu
5m UB Handstand walk
15ft Rope Climb
The Masters divisions are now SOLD OUT, please contact-us to be added to the waitlist.