Event 2
Rx (Event description/ movement variations)
For as many repetitions as possible in 16mins:
‘Buy in’ Row 1000m/850m
Then (AMRAP):
9 Toes to bar
28 Double Unders
7 Double Dumbbell Hang to Overhead
On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! Competitors will begin rowing. Depending on the time competitors complete their row will be the time they are allowed to continue with the remainder of the workout (see notes below). Once competitors have waited out their rest period they may run to and begin their Toes to bar. Once complete the will move to their rope and complete the required number of Double unders. Once complete they will then move to and complete the required number of Dumbbell Hang to Overhead. Once complete they will then return to the Toes to bar and begin their next round. They will continue in this fashion until the time cap expires.
Competitors who complete their row in under 3:08 may begin the remainder of the workout from the 4min mark.
Competitors who complete the row slower than 3:08 but under 3:40 may begin the remainder of the workout from the 5min mark.
Competitors who do not complete the row in under 3:40 may not begin the remainder of the workout until the 6min mark.
This Event will be scored by repetitions.
Dumbbells @2x30kg/ 2x22.5kg
Double Dumbbell Hang to Overhead:
Initially the competitor will perform a Deadlift. Then from standing tall the Dumbbells will be snatched or clean & Jerked from the hang to an overhead position where the body is full extended with the Knees and elbows, and the feet, hips, and hands are inline. Note, this may be a one or two part movement. Both Dumbbells must move simultaneously at all times.