Event 3
Rx (Event description/ movement variations)
For time:
2,3,4,5,6,7 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
6,8,10,12,14,16m Unbroken Handstand walk
4,5,6,7,8,9 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
6,8,10,12,14,16m Unbroken Handstand walk
(8min cap)
On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! Competitors will run to and complete their first set (2 for females and 4 for males) of unbroken Ring Muscle Ups. Once complete they will then move to and complete their first Handstand walk also unbroken (6 meters). Once complete they will return to the rings and complete the next number of repetitions (3 for females and 5 for males). They will then move to the Handstand walk again and continue in this fashion until the required repetitions are complete before running to the finish line.
Competitors who complete their row in under 3:08 may begin the remainder of the workout from the 4min mark.
Competitors who complete the row slower than 3:08 but under 3:40 may begin the remainder of the workout from the 5min mark.
Competitors who do not complete the row in under 3:40 may not begin the remainder of the workout until the 6min mark.
This Event will be scored by repetitions.
Ring Muscle Ups:
The individual starts hanging from the rings at full extension of the arms, they may then use any Muscle up movement to move above the rings or bar with the arms fully locked out in the front support position. Front up raise/ Back up raise movements or rolling is NOT allowed. The individual may use a false grip to conduct the Muscle up, but, they must first start with their arms at full extension, this can be with false grip and the arms fully extended or starting in a dead hang grip and transitioning into a false grip. The individual may NOT start in a false grip with bent arms and then complete the Muscle up. The individual cannot come in contact with any other apparatus whilst transitioning above the rings or bar to the ring front support position.
Handstand walk:
The competitors hands must start behind and finish after the marked area. The area must be covered unbroken on your hands.