Event 4

Intermediate, Scaled, Masters, Teens (Event description/ movement variations)


For as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 7 minutes:

9 Toes to bar

6 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch

On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! Competitors will run to and begin working through the stipulated repetitions of Ttb. Once the repetitions are complete they will move forward and complete the Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch. Once the required repetitions are complete they will place the Dumbbells in the next square closer to the finish line before returning to the Pull up bar to begin their next round. They will continue in this fashion until seven minutes elapses.


  1. This Event will be scored by repetitions.



Dumbbells @22.5/15kg


Dumbbells @15/10kg.

Substitute Ttb with Situps @10/5kg.

MASTERS(40-49), TEENS(16-17):

Dumbbells @22.5-15kg

MASTERS (50+), TEENS(14-15):

Dumbbells @15/10kg


Toes to bar:

The competitor must be hanging from the bar with their arms at full extension, the heels must come behind the vertical plain of the bar and come up so that both feet make contact with the bar SIMULTANEOUSLY in between the hands.

Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch:

Initially the competitor will perform a Deadlift. Then from standing tall the Dumbbells will be snatched in one movement from the hang to an overhead position where the body is full extended with the Knees and elbows, and the feet, hips, and hands are inline. Note, this must be a one part movement.


Each rep of the sit-up begins with the competitor’s back in contact with the floor, their knees extended, and their hands holding a bumper that is in contact with the floor above their head. The competitor will then situp and touch their toes with the bumper.