Event 8
Rx (Event description/ movement variations)
For time:
>> Part a (top 16 overall only)
45 Over head squats
25 Pull ups
(6min cap)
On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! Competitors will move to and complete 45 Overhead Squats. Once complete they will move to and complete 25 Chest to bar Pull ups. Once complete they will run to the finish. The top 8 place getters in the heat will move on and complete part B.
>> Part b (top 8 only)
18m Zercher Lunge
11 Burpee Sandbag …
18m Sandbag carry
(6min cap)
This Event will be scored by time.
Overhead Squats @45/30kg
Sandbag @40/36kg.
Overhead Squats:
The competitor, will hold the bar overhead, with arms fully extended at the elbows, squat down until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line.
Chest to bar Pull ups:
The competitor must start hanging on the bar with the arms fully extended and their feet off the ground. They must then Pull-up until their chest makes contact with the bar. The competitor may perform a strict, kipping or butterfly Pull-up to achieve this.