Event 1
(Event description/ movement variations)
For time, two team members each complete:
1000m Row
This workout is considered part of Event 1 but scored separately. On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! two members of the team will each row 1000m. Once both team members have completed 1000m the total combined time will be the score the team is awarded for this Event. There can be no help from another team member, and the two team members who row during Event 1a cannot row again during Event 1 .
For time, as a team complete:
1000m Row
90 Worm squats
800m Row
70 Worm squats
600m Row
50 Worm squats
(18min Cap)
This Event includes 1a but is scored separately. On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! two members of the team will each row 1000m. Once both team members have completed 1000m the team will move to their worm and complete 90 Worm squats (tagging in and out as they wish). Once the squats are complete the team (complete) will move back to the rowers where two team members will complete 800m each. Then back to the worm and so on until the required repetitions are complete.
Each team member will row only once.
All team members must move to (proven by touching the equipment) the Worm and/or Rower before starting the relative exercise.
Each worm may have only three (Rx/Intermediate) or four (scaled) people on the worm working at any one time.
At all times both the worm and the team members must be within their marked lane for repetitions to count.
This Event will be scored by time. Each repetition not completed under the time cap will add one second.
Worm squats:
With the worm on the same shoulder, all competitors facing the same direction, competitors squat in sync until their hip crease goes below the top of their knee, then stand until they are fully extended with the hips, knees and shoulders in line.